Use Service Reminders To Ensure Timely Maintenance
This is part of a continuing series of “how to” articles to help you maximize performance and productivity with Toro® products. Watch future issues of Grounds for Success for more tips and information.
The longer your equipment performs at a high level, the better your return on investment. Regular maintenance plays a key role in extending equipment and ensuring efficient performance, but it’s often forgotten in the midst of other day-to-day activities. Fortunately, Toro has made it easy to remember maintenance through scheduling right on the machine’s Infocenter.
This article will walk you through setting up service due reminders. Instructions for GM4000/4100, GM4500/4700 and GM5900/5910 machines follow. Separate instructions for the Outcross 9060 can be found at the end.
Start At Protected Menus
You can only create or update the service reminder through the Protected Menus
setting. To get there, go to the Settings menu, use the center button to scroll
down to Protected Menus, then press the right button for access.

You’ll be prompted to enter the PIN for your machine. The factory default PIN code for your machine is either 0000 or 1234. If you changed the PIN code and forgot the code, contact your authorized Toro distributor for assistance.

Press the center button until the correct first digit of the PIN code appears, then press the right button to move on to the next digit. Repeat until the full code is entered, then press the center button. Wait for the red indicator light of the InfoCenter to illuminate. When “PIN” displays in the upper right corner of the screen, your code has been accepted and you have entered the Protected Menu. You can now scroll to the Service Menu to reset or adjust your maintenance reminders. On some machines, service intervals have a fixed setting. On others, the interval is adjustable. The preference is to follow the factory default interval or the recommendation in the operator’s manual.
Go to the sections below to continue the instructions for your particular machine.
Note on the Protected Menu: As noted, if the InfoCenter accepts the PIN code and the protected menu is unlocked, the word “PIN” displays in the upper right corner of the screen. Rotating the key switch to the OFF position and then to the ON position locks the protected menu. Setting the Protect Settings to ON hides the protected options and requires you to enter the PIN code. The InfoCenter will display the EDIT PIN Menu. Either the factory default or the PIN code that was last saved will appear. At this point, scroll through this existing code to acknowledge its reuse or enter a new code. The final step is to save the code via the center button. After you set the PIN code, rotate the key switch OFF and back to the ON position to enable and save this feature.

GM4000/4100 and GM4500/4700 Series
Once you’re in the Service menu, you can reset the service due hours after
a scheduled maintenance procedure is performed by going to the Hours menu and
then scrolling to the service symbol.
If service is currently due, the first icon shows NOW. Below the first icon is the service symbol and 250. Highlight the service symbol and press the right button. When the new screen appears, confirm “RESET
SERVICE HOURS—Are you sure?” by selecting the YES (center button) or NO (left button). After you select YES, the screen will clear and revert back to the SERVICE HOURS selections.
You’re all set. You’ll receive a reminder on the InfoCenter when service is due.

GM5900/5910 Series
After your machine has been serviced, use the 5-button InfoCenter to reset
the service due indicator. First, access the Main Menu by pressing and holding
the button on the far right. This will either display the Main Menu or the PIN
entry screen if the protected settings are active. (GM5900/5910 Series machines
use a factory default pin code of 5900 or 1234.) Then, using the buttons on the
left, select Service, then press the button below the right arrow to continue.
Next, select Hours and again press the button below the right arrow to
continue. Press the button below Reset Hours, select the appropriate time for
the next service, then press the button below the right arrow to continue. A
check mark will appear to confirm that the indicator has been reset.
Once you’ve finished, pressing the button below the exit icon (open door image) will return you to the Hours Menu. The hours previously selected should be displayed for that selection. Continue to select the exit icon to return to the main screen. You’re all set. You’ll receive a reminder on the InfoCenter when service is due.

Outcross 9060
After your machine has been serviced, use the 5-button InfoCenter to reset the service due indicator. Start by rotating the operation-mode selector to the S position. Scroll to select SERVICE in the display menu, and select the next screen icon. Enter the machine’s PIN and select RETURN. Scroll to select SCHEDULE in the display menu and select the next screen icon. Select the service procedure performed and select the next screen icon. Select the hour interval for that procedure and then select the Change icon to reset the hours. Select the Save icon and you’re all set. You’ll receive a reminder on the InfoCenter when service is due.
Here To Help
If you have any questions about resetting maintenance reminders or the proper maintenance schedule for your equipment, just contact Toro’s Technical Service Team or reach out to your local Toro distributor.